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The Diaries of Adam & Eve Summary
byMark Twain
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Eve awakens in the breathtaking Garden of Eden with the feeling that her existence is merely an experiment on the part of her Creator. Immediately she begins to marvel at her surroundings, even trying to pluck a star from the sky to adorn her hair. When she and Adam meet, he initially ignores her. Eve consults her "sister," that is her reflection in a pool, about the heartache of rejection. But she and Adam become fast friends, spending most of their time together.
Curious to a fault, Eve devotes herself to experimentation and exploration. While fiddling around with fire, she accidentally sets a forest aflame, This is the first time she feels fear. One day she wanders away from Adam on an adventure. She encounters a serpent perched in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the one tree which God has forbidden she and Adam to eat from. Tempted by the desirability of the tree's fruit both for its beauty and assumed flavor, she listens to the snake who tells her that God forbade the eating of this fruit because it leads to divinity. Eve plucks a fruit, eats it, and brings some to Adam whom she convinces to also eat.
When God learns of Adam and Eve's defiance, He comes looking for them, but they've hidden. God knows where they are. He asks them why they've woven clothes for themselves. How did they know they were naked? Of course it's a farce because He knows everything. God consults his council and decides that the two humans must leave the Garden because they are not ready to eat from the Tree of Life and become gods. Instead they will use their newly discovered knowledge to work the land and propagate the Earth with more people.
The next entry is years in the future. Adam and Eve have developed a beautiful relationship with one another based upon mutual love and dependence. Eve's entire being longs for her husband, but she's also plagued by fear -- the fear of death. Watching Adam work everyday, she can see he's deteriorating. Rather than watch him die, she wishes to die first. 40 years later her wish is granted. At her graveside Adam proclaims Eve carried the Eden around with her presence.
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The Diaries of Adam & Eve Questions and Answers
The Question and Answer section for The Diaries of Adam & Eve is a greatresource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel.
Which of the following best describes the a central theme of the text?
I think A and B have merit but I'd go with B.
Part B which of the following quotes best supports the Answer to part A eves diary
C."The moon got loose last night, and slid down and fell out of the scheme – a very great loss; it breaks my heart to think of it.... It should have been fastened better. If we can only get it back again –" (Paragraph 2)
PART B: Which TWO of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A?
D. "The Garden is lost, but I have found HIM, and am content." (Paragraph 67) F. "Wheresoever she was, THERE was Eden." (Paragraph 82)
Study Guide for The Diaries of Adam & Eve
The Diaries of Adam and Eve study guide contains a biography of Mark Twain, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis of Eve's diary and Adam's diary.
- Character List
- Glossary
- Themes
Essays for The Diaries of Adam & Eve
The Diaries of Adam and Eve literature essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Eve's Diary and Adam's Diary by Mark Twain.
- Gender Stereotypes and How It Is A Woman's World
Wikipedia Entries for The Diaries of Adam & Eve
- Introduction