Razer Cortex Beta for Xbox Game Bar - Easy Access to Key Features While Gaming | Razer Insider (2025)

Razer Cortex Beta for Xbox Game Bar - Easy Access to Key Features While Gaming | Razer Insider (1)

Hello Insiders!

Razer Cortex is now on the Xbox Game Bar. Enjoy popular Razer Cortex features and more right at your fingertips when you enable the Razer Cortex widget on the Xbox Game Bar. Learn More

What’s New?

The Razer Cortex BETA widget lets you use Razer Cortex's Boost and Restore features via the overlay. With one click end unnecessary processes and services running in the background to free up more resources to your PC while its CPU core feature improves the efficiency of gaming processes on CPU resources. The Razer Cortex BETA widget also makes it easy to check on the latest and upcoming Paid to Play games to get you earning Razer Silver, stat. Check in daily, play and redeem Razer Silver for a variety of exciting rewards - including Razer gear, games, exclusive gift cards and more - right from the widget. Additionally, the widget's Game Deals feature automatically searches for the best prices for PC games.

Razer Cortex Beta for Xbox Game Bar - Easy Access to Key Features While Gaming | Razer Insider (2)

How Do I Test the Razer Cortex Beta for Xbox Game Bar Widget?

Step 1 >> GET THE WIDGET from the Microsoft Store


Step 3 >> Launch the Widget from the Xbox Game Bar (Win+G by default. You won't be able to launch it from the Start Menu or anywhere else).

NOTE: This feature is only available on Windows 10 64-bit with the latest Xbox Game Bar (v5.120.4062.0). Before using this feature, make sure that your system is up-to-date. You can get the latest version of Windows 10 here: Get the latest version.

If you’ve already installed an old version of Razer Cortex, then you can skip Step 2 above, just launch the Widget and it will let you update your Razer Cortex to the current version. Simply follow and complete the upgrade instructions.

Beta Feedback

You can submit your feedback right here in this forum and have discussions with other beta testers. You can also submit your feedback through the FEEDBACK button in Razer Cortex.

Join the beta and start sharing your thoughts now!

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So essentially this syncs with Cortex PC? Or is it a separate app like how Cortex Mobile is separate?

I guess my question is does scoring Silver on Xbox = same account as Cortex PC, or is it additional Silver?

Usefull if you don't wanna have the windows task bar appear Razer Cortex Beta for Xbox Game Bar - Easy Access to Key Features While Gaming | Razer Insider (3)

So essentially this syncs with Cortex PC? Or is it a separate app like how Cortex Mobile is separate?

I guess my question is does scoring Silver on Xbox = same account as Cortex PC, or is it additional Silver?

Xbox game bar is part of the windows 10 platform, it isnt something for the consoles. This game bar integrates cortex as an overlay in the game, like steam chat/ discord etc. But this overlay provides more information.

The youtube video with Halo looked impressive. Cant wait to try it out.

Hello Friends.

Thank you Razer for the new Razer Cortex Beta for Xbox Game Bar update.

You work hard to offer us always more new functionality on our Windows 10 computer. ^_^

Oh wow, this is pretty cool stuff! Great to see Razer pumping out new features and integrations!


How can I install Razer Gold widget? it needs code to install.

Looks like this isn't an update to Cortex, but a seperate Cortex for Windows 10 64.

I don't use the Xbox game bar at all, so not sure how this will serve me, just yet.

This will be nice to consolidate both razer and xbox areas so I don't have to go to multiple places to find the games that I might want to play. I think it's a great addition! Thank you Razer!

Hey everyone, for those that are lurking and confused, Windows 10 has a gaming overlay previously called "Windows Game Bar " but is now called "Xbox Game Bar." You can activate it by hitting the Windows + G key. You may have seen it pop up when you launched a game in Windows.

The Xbox Game Bar (previously known as the Windows Game Bar) is a Windows 10 feature. It is not for your Xbox console. This is for your Windows 10 PC. It's confusing, I know. I subscribe to Xbox Game Pass for PC which has a separate library from the Xbox Game Pass that you play on your Xbox console. It seems that Microsoft is taking steps to consolidate their gaming ecosystem under the Xbox name.

If you use Cortex, you should absolutely download the Cortex Beta for Xbox Game Bar so you don't have to alt+tab or alt+win anymore just to get to Cortex. Give it a shot!

It's looking nice, good to know it's there but not sure if I will use it constantly.

Razer software spreading like a virus!

Nice! Installed it to check it out.

我希望在Xbox Game Bar中的Razer Cortex Beta支持中文(chinese),谢谢

Thanks for this new tool, i'll try it right now.

I'm starting to like xbox game bar but only if they add more widgets such as discord and a few more utility apps.

I never use the XBox game bar but now with the Cortex widget I may give it a try.

oh no, i dont like xbox game bar Razer Cortex Beta for Xbox Game Bar - Easy Access to Key Features While Gaming | Razer Insider (4)

Too bad that I barely use Xbox for gaming...

So essentially this syncs with Cortex PC? Or is it a separate app like how Cortex Mobile is separate?

I guess my question is does scoring Silver on Xbox = same account as Cortex PC, or is it additional Silver?

Yes. It syncs with Cortex PC. It is a widget that runs some of the Cortex PC processes without needing to have Cortex PC in the foreground. But Cortex PC must be installed on the device for it to work. So it is the same Paid to Play earning silver. Not like Cortex Mobile which is a different app so the Paid to Play earning is separate in mobile.

Too bad that I barely use Xbox for gaming...

Feels the same bro! PC games via steam, Rockstar, origin or Activision is my main source for getting games

Would Xbox via Razer Cortex will be cheaper for download? And what games that offered? I never use that before..

Yes. It syncs with Cortex PC. It is a widget that runs some of the Cortex PC processes without needing to have Cortex PC in the foreground. But Cortex PC must be installed on the device for it to work. So it is the same Paid to Play earning silver. Not like Cortex Mobile which is a different app so the Paid to Play earning is separate in mobile.

hey thanks for breaking it down for this n00b! Most easily understandable explanation by far Razer Cortex Beta for Xbox Game Bar - Easy Access to Key Features While Gaming | Razer Insider (5)

I'm sure xbox gamers would be glad to use Cortex now.

Wow this looks awsome!

Razer Cortex Beta for Xbox Game Bar - Easy Access to Key Features While Gaming | Razer Insider (2025)
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