Bleach: Everything You Missed In The Ending, Explained (2025)

For over a decade, the manga landscape was dominated by One Piece, Naruto, and Bleach, but all great things eventually come to an end. And so in 2016, it was Bleach's turn to wrap things up after a very successful 15-year run. The series follow Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student who becomes a Shinigami in order to fight Hollows and other evil supernatural beings. Even though it was one of the world's most popular manga, its final arc left fans with a sour taste because it felt extremely rushed.

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The anime was also quite popular, but it ended four years before the manga did, and as time passed, it appeared as though fans were never going to see an animated version of the Thousand-Year Blood War. However, that changed when it was announced that the final arc was coming to television. The manga storyline ended a while ago, so those who read the final chapters may have forgotten some of the confusing and ludicrous things that happened.

Updated on September 23, 2024, by Ajay Aravind: The Bleach manga may have ended in 2016, but the anime adaptation of the Thousand-Year Blood War arc is currently ongoing. With 26 episodes left to go, fans can't wait to see some of their favorite manga scenes animated for the first time. That said, not everyone remembers everything that happened during the Bleach ending. As such, we've updated this list with some more information.

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Urahara Seemingly Vanishes From The Story

The Bleach One-Shot Manga Mentions Urahara

Kisuke Urahara has always been one of the most popular characters in Bleach, as well as one of the most cosplayed. Without his tireless efforts, none of the major victories in the series might have occurred. Urahara played a notable part in every single arc, including the final one — he even revealed his Bankai at this point. As such, it came as quite a shock when his fate was not mentioned in the concluding chapters of the Thousand-Year Blood War.

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Japanese VA

English VA

Kisuke Urahara

Episode 6

Freelancing Shingami

Shinichiro Miki

Doug Erholtz

Urahara's role in defeating Askin Nakk Le Vaar was nothing less than extraordinary, especially given the Sternritter's overwhelming power. The last time he was seen was when Askin's Gift Bereich collapsed around both of them, leaving Nel to launch a rescue mission. On the other hand, Tite Kubo's New Breathes from Hell mentions Urahara, even if it doesn't actually show him — another mystifying Bleach ending by the mangaka.


10 New Abilities and Powers Introduced in Thousand Year Blood War

In the span of two cours, Bleach fans have been treated to some dazzling new powers and abilities on the battlefield in TYBW.

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Nanao Ise Is Shunsui Kyoraku's Niece

Nanao And Shunsui Work Together To Defeat Lille Barro

Shunsui Kyoraku and Nanao Ise's relationship is one of the most endearing features of either character. Although his vice-captain, Nanao ostensibly bosses Shunsui around — this is soon revealed to be because of the Captain's natural laziness. Nanao doesn't fight much; she could barely breathe when faced with Captain-Commander Yamamoto's overwhelming Reiatsu. However, her role is expanded for the Thousand-Year Blood War arc.




Japanese VA

English VA

Nanao Ise

Episode 35

Squad 1 Vice-Captain

Hitomi Nabatame

Kate Higgins

Shunsui Kyoraku

Episode 24


Akio Otsuka

Steve Kramer

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Facing off a nigh-omnipotent entity like Lille Barro turns out to be impossible for Shunsui Kyoraku and his Zanpakuto. However, Nanao's Shinken Hakyokken — a ceremonial Zanpakuto with a unique ability — makes light work of Sternritter X: The X-Axis. This is also when fans find out that Nanao is actually Shunsui's niece, having been born to his older brother. As of the Bleach ending, Nanao is still his vice-captain.

Hitsugaya's True Bankai Is Unveiled

Daiguren Hyorinmaru's Purple Petals Were A Different Countdown

For the longest time, most fans believed that Hitsugaya's Bankai had a timer associated with it — when the purple petals disappeared, so would Daiguren Hyorinmaru. Although still a timer, the purple petals were apparently counting down to something else entirely. During their joint battle against Gerard Valkyrie, Byakuya requested Hitsugaya to stop fighting because he was nearing his limit.

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Japanese VA

English VA

Toshiro Hitsugaya

Episode 24

Squad 10 Captain

Romi Park

Steve Staley

In response, Hitsugaya merely smiled before activating the true form of Daiguren Hyorinmaru. This turned him from a small child into a tall adult man, a transformation that also came with extremely potent new abilities. Hitsugaya briefly managed to freeze Gerard Valkyrie, arguably the strongest Sternitter in Yhwach's army, as well as the villain's Miracle ability. That said, Hitsugaya was unable to maintain this form for too long.

Ichigo Could Have Become The Next Soul King

Yhwach Has Probably Taken The Place Of The Former Soul King

Bleach: Everything You Missed In The Ending, Explained (2)

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The Soul King was supposed to be the lynchpin that holds Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and the Human World together, while simultaneously preventing these dimensions from spilling over into each other. This is why the Zero Squad was tasked with protecting the Royal Realm from interlopers like Aizen and Yhwach, who sought to destabilize this delicate balance.




Japanese VA

English VA

Ichigo Kurosaki

Episode 1

Substitute Soul Reaper

Masakazu Morita

Johnny Yong Bosch

Unfortunately, Yhwach's destruction of the Soul King's body puts the safety of all three worlds at risk, forcing Ichibei to make some dangerous moves. It appears that Yhwach has currently taken the role of the Soul King, meaning that he's a powerless being trapped inside an amber cocoon. That said, some fans suspect that Ichibei was presumably planning to use Ichigo for this purpose, as they never really trusted the leader of the Zero Squad.

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10 Best Character Developments in Bleach: Thousand Year Blood War

Bleach TYBW arc showed fans that most of the character arcs that ended with the original Bleach anime, had more story to tell.

The Zero Squad Might Not Be Dead

Ichibei Has Most Likely Resurrected His Comrades

The anime adaptation of the Thousand-Year Blood War arc has made significant alterations to the manga. One of the most prominent changes takes place when Yhwach and his Schutzstaffel invade the Royal Realm. In the anime, three members of the Zero Squad take their own lives to release something called a Blood Oath's Seal, allowing Senjumaru Shutara to release her previously nonexistent Bankai.

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Japanese VA

English VA

Oetsu Nimaiya

Episode 374

God of the Sword

Yoji Ueda

Catero Colbert

Tenjiro Kirinji

Hot Spring Demon

Tomoyuki Shimura

Mick Lauer

Senjumaru Shutara

Great Weave Guard

Rina Sato

Jeannie Tirado

Ichibe Hyosube

High Priest

Naomi Kusumi

Aaron LaPlante

Kirio Hikifune

Ruler of Grain

Ayumi Tsunematsu

Tara Sands

In the manga, the four weaker members of the Zero Squad are ostensibly killed off-screen by the freshly resurrected Schutzstaffel. Even Ichibei falls after Yhwach unleashes his Almighty, but is later resurrected when Ichigo Kurosaki calls out his name. It's almost certain that Ichibei would bring his fallen comrades back after the Bleach ending, especially given the scope of his powers.

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Komamura Becomes A Dog

His Whereabouts Are Still Unknown

Throughout the series, Sajin Komamura is the captain of Squad 9, but following a ten-year time skip it is his former lieutenant Tetsuzaemon Iba who now holds the title. There is a reason for this. During the Quincy invasion, Komamura uses his family's secret technique to become human in exchange for incomprehensible power. However, the only way to do this is by ripping his own heart out of his chest, essentially leaving him dead.




Japanese VA

English VA

Sajin Komamura

Episode 24

Former Squad 7 Captain

Tetsu Inada

J.B. Blanc

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After exploiting this newfound ability to defeat Bambietta Basterbine, Komamura loses all his humanity. He consequently transforms into a dog, and he is forced to stay in that form for the rest of his life. On a positive note, Komamura is still strong enough to train his former right-hand man and successor in the Bleach ending. More importantly, the anime adaptation might involve a bigger role for the fully canine Captain.

Ichigo May Not Have Truly Defeated Yhwach

Yhwach Actually Tries To Destroy The Future

No one thought that Bleach would be able to introduce a new villain who was even more powerful and menacing than Aizen, but then Yhwach came along and literally became a God. More importantly, Yhwach was the son of the Soul King, even if the story failed to explain what that meant exactly. He wished to take the throne from his father so he could fuse the living world with Hueco Mundo and Soul Society, creating a world where no one feared death.

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Japanese VA

English VA


Episode 367

Emperor of the Wandenreich

Takayuki Sugo

Richard Epcar

Ichigo Kurosaki ultimately thwarted Yhwach's plan when he cut him in half with his Zanpakuto. However, before his final defeat, Yhwach attempted to destroy the future from the past. This proves that Ichigo may not have actually defeated him in the Bleach ending. Some fans argue that Yhwach lost in the future because Ichigo killed him in the past. However, there was also someone new involved in this situation with the theoretical potential to stop Yhwach.

Rukia Earned The Respect And Admiration She Deserves

She Becomes A Gotei 13 Captain Like Her Brother Byakuya

Bleach: Everything You Missed In The Ending, Explained (4)

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When Rukia first appears to Ichigo, she is an ordinary Shinigami who willingly transfers her powers so he can defeat a Hollow. As a result, she ends up being branded as a criminal by her own people, leaving Team Ichigo to invade Soul Society and prevent her execution from taking place. As the series goes on fans see just how powerful Rukia really is. She even displays her formidable Bankai in the Thousand-Year Blood War arc, effortlessly defeating a Sternritter with it.




Japanese VA

English VA

Rukia Kuchiki

Episode 1

Squad 13 Captain

Fumiko Orikasa

Michelle Ruff

Byakuya Kuchiki


Squad 6 Captain

Ryotaro Okiayu

Dan Woren

In the Bleach ending, Rukia is revealed to have risen through the ranks of the very same organization that wanted to execute her to become the new Captain of Squad 13. She will be taking the place of the fallen Jushiro Ukitake, who bravely sacrificed his life in an attempt to stop Yhwach. To the fandom's delight, however, Rukia and Ichigo promptly get into an argument like they did in the very first chapter.

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What Manga Chapters Has Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Adapted (So Far)?

With the rate that the Thousand-Year Blood War has adapted chapters of the Bleach manga, the anime may need another part to finish the story.

Fighting Hollows Is A Thing Of The Past

Tier Harribel Keeps The Hollows Under Control

Bleach: Everything You Missed In The Ending, Explained (6)

From the very beginning, Bleach focused on battles between Shinigami and Hollows, especially after Aizen managed to recruit the strongest of the Arrancar. However, following the events of the Thousand-Year Blood War, there has been no fighting whatsoever for over a decade. This is why Ichigo went on to take over his family's clinic while Orihime became a homemaker.

Notable Hollows in Bleach:

  • Grand Fisher
  • Nelliel tu Odelschwank
  • Grimmjow Jageerjacquez
  • Tier Harribel
  • Ulquiorra Cifer

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This is also why Uryu and Chad have become a doctor and a prized heavyweight boxer, respectively, following the dreams they had all along. This peace exists because the Quincy forced Soul Society and Hueco Mundo to join forces by the Bleach ending. Further, it does not hurt that Harribel, the de facto queen of the Hollows, owes her life to Ichigo and his friends. Besides, with Nel in the picture somewhere, it's safe to assume that Hueco Mundo isn't becoming a threat any time soon.

Kurotsuchi Is Now A Loving Father

Nemu's Loss Changed Mayuri For The Better

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When Mayuri Kurotsuchi first appeared, he behaved like he didn't care about his subordinates, especially his vice-captain Nemu. However, their relationship was much more complicated than that. During the final arc, it's revealed that Nemu was part of an experiment performed by Mayuri to see if he can create an artificial being, which means that Nemu is technically his daughter.




Japanese VA

English VA

Mayuri Kurotsuchi

Episode 24

Squad 12 Captain

Ryusei Nakao

Terrence Stone

Nemu Kurotsuchi

Episode 28

Squad 12 Vice-Captain

Rie Kugimiya

Megan Hollingshead

Getting the opportunity to watch Nemu grow up day after day was like a dream for Mayuri, which is a sentiment shared by every loving parent. In the Bleach ending, a new Nemu is shown. She was created after the previous model sacrificed herself to save Mayuri's life from Pernida Parnkgjas. In fact, Nemuri-8 may very well be the same Nemu because he rescued the original's brain before it was destroyed.

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Yachiru Was Probably Kenpachi's Zanpakuto The Whole Time

Defeating Unohana Helped Him Unlock Nozarashi

Yachiru was more than just Squad 11's lieutenant, as the argument can be made that Kenpachi Zaraki viewed her as a daughter. But when the series ended, she was nowhere to be found. Interestingly, her disappearance coincides with Kenpachi releasing his Zanpakuto for the first time, which is why fans some believe that Yachiru was actually his sword in human form.




Japanese VA

English VA

Yachiru Kusajishi

Episode 25

Former Squad 11 Vice-Captain

Hisayo Mochizuki

Dina Sherman

Kenpachi Zaraki

Episode 20

Squad 11 Captain

Fumihiko Tachiki

David Lodge & Patrick Seitz

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Something similar happened with Stark and Lilynette, so it's not beyond the realm of possibility. For those who say Kenpachi's sword isn't called Yachiru, it's a non-factor because he was the one who named her when they met. More importantly, Yachiru appears to Kenpachi right before he unlocks his Bankai, stating that he had to "use [her] properly" in order to release this power.

Ichigo Married Orihime, While Renji Married Rukia

Some Fans Would Have Preferred That Ichigo Ended Up With Rukia

Bleach: Everything You Missed In The Ending, Explained (7)

Whenever a Shonen anime ends, it usually offers its fans some form of fanservice, and that usually means that certain characters are going to be married or end up together in some way. With Bleach, Ichigo and Orihime got married, putting an end to years of IchiRuki shipping. Although many fans wanted to see him end up with Rukia, what actually happened makes a lot more sense because Orihime had clear feelings for Ichigo the whole time.

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Japanese VA

English VA

Renji Abarai

Episode 15

Squad 6 Vice-Captain

Kentaro Ito

Wally Wingert

Orihime Inoue

Episode 2


Yuki Matsuoka

Stephanie Sheh

Rukia on the other hand, married Renji, which feels somewhat odd because they always seemed to have a sibling relationship. However, there were several hints sprinkled throughout the series that indicated Renji had real feelings for her. In the Bleach ending, both couples are shown to have one child each — Kazui Kurosaki and Ichika Abarai.


10 Best Bleach Hollows, Ranked

The early story arcs in Bleach established Hollows as serious threats, and by the Soul Society story arc, the anime had moved on to bigger threats.

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The Sad Meaning Of Aizen's Final Words

Aizen Will Spend The Next 200 Centuries In The Muken

For most people, Aizen will always be Bleach's main antagonist after he nearly destroyed Soul Society on his quest to dethrone the Soul King. As such, he is currently serving a 20,000-year sentence for his crimes. That said, he also plays an important role in the final arc by helping Ichigo defeat Yhwach in the final battle. He even nearly sacrifices his life to trick Yhwach, allowing Ichigo to unleash a devastating Getsuga Tensho that doesn't do much damage.




Japanese VA

English VA

Sosuke Aizen

Episode 23

Former Squad 5 Captain

Sho Hayami

Kyle Hebert

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Aizen appears in the Bleach ending where he recalls Yhwach's final words, stating that people would never develop hope and courage if the fear of death did not exist. This is a significant statement for Aizen to make because he is immortal — without that mortal fear and hope, he realizes that he is now living an empty existence. Maybe he's going to be a changed person after spending 200 centuries in prison.

Kazui Might Be The Real Hero Of The Story

Kazui Seemingly Manages To Neutralize Yhwach's Last Fragment

As mentioned earlier, Ichigo did not fully defeat Yhwach in the Bleach ending, as a past version of the Quincy King was still able to manipulate the future remnants of his spiritual energy. These remnants were apparently strong enough to destroy the future in which he failed, and Yhwach almost accomplished this in the manga's final chapter.

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Kazui Kurosaki

Chapter 686

April 29

Instant Shinigami Transformation

This is where Ichigo's son comes in, as Kazui found a hole in his room that was oozing Yhwach's energy. When he shoved his hand through it, the remnants disappeared completely, surprising even the likes of Mayuri and Byakuya. Kazui Kurosaki is able to access his Shinigami form, including a Zanpakuto, the details of which remain unknown. In any case, it's easy to imagine the son of Ichigo and Orihime having the power to defeat (a fraction of) Yhwach.


10 Most Anticipated Fights in Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Part 3

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War Part 3's most anticipated fights will see Captain-level Soul Reapers taking on Yhwach's elite Quincy.

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*What Is The New Breathes from Hell One-Shot about?

Twenty years after the first Bleach chapter was published, mangaka Tite Kubo published his latest franchise installment. A one-shot titled New Breathes from Hell debuted to much celebration, as it took the story even further into the future. Although the manga's final chapter ended ten years after Yhwach's defeat, the one-shot takes place two years later. It reveals that all the main characters are doing well, although the peaceful state of affairs might not be long.





New Breathes from Hell

August 10, 2021


Weekly Shonen Jump

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Alongside new characters with unique abilities, New Breathes from Hell introduces special Hollows from Hell known as Jigoku no Gaki. The dead Espada Szayelaporro Granz also makes an appearance, declaring that the strongest of Soul Society's fallen warriors are also in Hell. As such, a brief glimpse of Hell Ukitake's Zanpakuto shows that he's on a whole new level now. That said, the one-shot ended with a cliffhanger ending, leaving the fans ravenous for more.

The Door Is Open For A Sequel

With Kazui And Ichika As New Protagonists

Bleach: Everything You Missed In The Ending, Explained (10)

When Naruto ended, it gave a glimpse at the next generation of ninjas. Two years later, Bleach did the same thing when it introduced Kazui Kurosaki and Ichika Abarai, the children of four of the most important characters in the story. Further, based on Kazui's ability to manifest a Shinigami outfit and Zanpakuto, he'll likely be involved with the Soul Society in the future, whether Ichigo likes it or not.

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Fans were delighted to get the Boruto manga and animated series. The same thing could very well happen here because it's the only real reason to make a five-year-old a Shinigami. While there's no news about continuing the New Breathes from Hell storyline, the one-shot chapter ends with a shot of Kazui Kurosaki looking up at the demonic Doors of Hell and smiling.

Bleach: Everything You Missed In The Ending, Explained (11)





Bleachrevolves around Kurosaki Ichigo, a regular always-grouchy high-schooler who for some strange reason is able to see the souls of the dead around him.

Release Date
October 5, 2004

Masakazu Morita , Fumiko Orikasa , Hiroki Yasumoto , Yuki Matsuoka , Noriaki Sugiyama , Kentarô Itô , Shinichirô Miki , Hisayoshi Suganuma
Main Genre

17 Seasons

Tite Kubo
Streaming Service(s)
Hulu , Prime Video
Bleach: Everything You Missed In The Ending, Explained (2025)
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